30 Minutes a Day…

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Zumba Dance Class” by Edson Hong is licensed by CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

I used to see exercise as something that took up too much time and effort. I also disliked it because it “hurt”–really bad sometimes!

After I got to college, I realized I had more time on my hands than I knew what to do with. Once I finished classes and homework for the day, I didn’t want to sit and watch TV all evening. I started using our student rec center because it was free and walking distance. Little did I know, I would become a regular at the rec by my junior year.

Exercising gives me energy. It helps me to get to sleep at a reasonable time at night and wakes me up feeling refreshed in the mornings.

It makes my clothes fit better! I definitely notice my pants fit a little tighter when I take a couple of weeks off from visiting the rec. There is no better feeling than trying on a smaller size of pants and having them fit like a glove.

Exercising on a regular basis also helped me to boost my immune systems. This equates to fewer sick days and fewer trips to the campus’ medical center.

All of these are reasons why everyone should exercise on a regular basis. Thirty minutes a day keeps the doctor away!

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